Help in New Jersey ***Update***


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
The Garden State
A health offical stopped by my house today and told my Dad(I wasnt home) That you cannot have chickens in my town. Before I got my chickens I went to the zoning official and asked if there were codes about chickens, she went in her office for about five minutes and came back out and said there is nothing in the zone book about chickens. So I got my chickens, built my coop and put them outside about 3 weeks ago.

So what can I do, is there a way I can win this fight or am I wasting my time...please help our family and our 12 chickens.
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I'd tell Mr Health Official to show it to me. In writing. Then I would quote
the zoning official and tell him whom it was that told you and exactly what
the official said. If the code says "livestock", thats usually not enough
to make you get rid of them. The funny thing about code enforcement
personnel is that many of them tend to make up the code as they go
along. Make him show you where it says "chickens". Its a 50-50
chance that it doesn't say that. Hold his feet to the fire and make him
prove it. And by the way, he can't just come wandering on your proporty either. Check his credentials too as he may not be the Health Dept at all,
just a code person. I'm a commercial contractor and have been down this road before. Building officials have to be the worst. Some neighbor has
possibly complained and thats where it came from. Hang in there.
He gave us the code number I looked it up and it says you can have chickens but 100ft from a house and 25ft from the border of your property. I might be able to do that but I don't think I can
My wife spoke toady to the animal control/health department official. He talked in circles, my wife caught him several times and he didnt know what to say. At the end of the conversation he said we have to get a sketch of the "proposed" coop (even though the coop and run are finished weeks ago) and he said he would look at it and then consider to issue a permit. BUT he said he has never issued a chicken permit and said when it becomes a nuisense then they would have to be removed. My wife then said "if you have never issued a permit do you know it will be a nuisense?" He didnt know what to say.

So right now things look better, we might get a permit/license without a big fight. But we will see......

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