thats okay, I can totally understand why you'd think I was talking about a Kangaroo! It makes sense hahaha!

Thank you so much for the info. I've been keeping her wound clean with some Veterycin wound spray, which she hates but it does the trick. It is healing up very nicely with 2-3 sprays a day, if she allows me. I let her back in the run under my supervision yesterday, but after 20 min, the roo went after her again. Luckily he did not get the wound, but he did manage to get a chunk of neck feathers. All my chicken are just shy of 17 weeks old and I think his hormones are a little more advanced than the girls and I think he is being a clumsy oaf, trying to mate with them.
It gives me some relief to hear that it'll take about 2 weeks to heal. I had wondered how long it would take.
Thank you again for the input, I sincerely appreciate it! :goodpost:
Glad she is ok, antibacterial spray should do the trick
. If the wound doesn't get infected she will be fine. My chicken had a big scab for a while but all the skin grew back. I seriously didn't believe it would.. or could, it was totally open hole with neck exposed, like 3 inches long 2 inches wide, it was totally amazing!!

Good luck
She is doing fabulous! Thank you for asking. It took her about a week and a half to heal, and now the tip of the feathers where the wound was has a little white in it. But she is as feisty and sassy as ever and just started laying a few weeks ago :)

I just wanted to do an update.

My chicken (Helga) has survived!! After two weeks her skin had fully grown back and there was a scab the size of a ten cent piece (think that might be a dime in America, I'm in Australia, its about an inch) on her neck which is still there now. She seems a hundred percent. She was itching to get out of the bathroom and is now back in the coup with our other chicken, who hasn't pecked at her at all. The injured chicken is definitely the boss and her feathers cover most of the bare skin.

I am simply amazed, it has been over three weeks now. I really did not think she would recover. She laid eggs the whole time she was in the bathroom and seemed happy. I alternated each day with antibacterial spray and manuka honey ointment. So hopefully she lives a long happy life.
Oh my goodness!
Thank you for posting this! You saved my hen’s life! My puppy got into our coop while we were away and she attacked my prettiest blue fringed Wyandotte. Your description exactly matched what had happened to our hen. She rested through the night and has been eating today. I’m so grateful for this post and for the tips and encouragement!
Thank you!

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