Help interpret home necropsy? Warning graphic images

This is my two cents, hopefully some others will share also:
1. Your bird has a lot of fat, that's the soft, creamy yellow that is distributed through the abdomen and under the skin. That much fat causes health problems. It could be genetic, some birds are genetically prone to storing fat, but it also could be diet related, so you need to look at what you are feeding. Too many extras, especially high carb things (scratch, corn especially) can contribute or cause this to happen. Keep all treats to less than 10% of the diet.
2. There are two lobes to the liver, one smaller than the other, in your 4th picture it shows both. The one on the bottom is pale, and very abnormal. So most likely fatty liver disease. The liver becomes pale, and friable (firmer, or hardened, and brittle). I suspect that the dark spots you found are probably blood clots. With fatty liver (it's full name is fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome- they can, and often do, hemorrhage and bleed out. The pool of fluid may have been ascites from the damaged liver leaking fluid into her abdomen before that happened.
Those are the most remarkable things I see. Being fat can cause all sorts of issues, laying and egg quality can be effected, not being able to handle heat, cancers, heart attacks, etc.
I do see what appears to be quite a bit of grains and corn in the crop contents, so that leads me to believe that diet probably played a role. It is very easy to overdo extras, as they are so much smaller than we are, and they love that stuff. I call scratch grains chicken crack or candy corn, they love it, but it's not really good for them.
You did a good job for a first necropsy! I'm very sorry for your loss, but it's good that you were willing to take a look to figure out why.
Agree. Looks like it hemorrhaged and passed. I had a three year old hen struggle to absorb nutrients, plucked all her feathers, stop laying. I culled her and her liver was pale and mush. No form to it lots of internal fat as well. I buy organic feed milled local. I’ll have to assess the carb ratio.

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