Help!!! Is it a hen or a rooster?


7 Years
Oct 9, 2012
We have 2 chickens we are unsure of their sex. They are about 5 months old and look different than the others. the first one has a rather large comb. The second the comb goes back further into the head and has some tail feathers that are curling up. We were told that all of our chickens were pullets... im not so sure.. The first 2 pics are for the chicken that has this very large comb. The second 2 are the from the other..

5 months with no sickle feathers, no saddle feathers, and rounded hackle feathers with a nice large red comb to me says POL (point of lay) pullets.
Thank you! That puts me more at ease. We found out from our black autrolorps that one was a rooster. These 2 are so different from their sibblings I thought maybe they were a rooster too!
Very deceptive. If you're not getting any crowing by now, you have hens. The one with the larger comb does look like a Rooster though. But, really. My roosters all started crowing when they were fairly smaller than your's.
My neighbor said he heard one of my chicks trying to crow. I havent heard it yet. He is the one who pointed out that I may have more than 1 rooster. Before I found out my black chick was a roo, He used to fight with one of my RIR and they both puffed there neck feathers out. My austrolorp started crowing at about 13 weeks and has now in the last 2 weeks started to act and look like a rooster.
that is a pullet. you should have started seeing saddle feathers around 13-16 weeks and by 20 should be able to tell by those feathers :) if you can get good clear side shots of them all we can tell you. sometimes pullets/hens will crow but not that often
they all look like pullets but if i had to guess on which one to watch it would be the first one it has a much bigger comb than the rest of them it appears but so far feather development says pullets on the last set of pics

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