Help! Is it Marek’s?

That part of her foot does look bigger than the other, but it doesn’t really seem swollen. She gets around and it eating and drinking, but I’m just worried because she’s scratching up her feet with her nails. Will have to be sure we keep that clean so it doesn’t get infected. I’m so sad about this!
:hugs I'm very sorry.

It would be hard to know the cause of the crossed legs like that, but since both are the same breed and from the same "hatch" I agree with the post quoted below by @Eggcessive

Can you post a closeup picture of the two chicks standing as they normally would? Leg bone deformities are common in all poultry, and can be due to vitamin and mineral deficiency in the parent stock, heredity, and foot problems can be due to incubation problems. Poultry Cell 1 ml daily per chick would be worth trying if it is a vitamin deficiency in the chicks. Here is an article to read:
:hugs I'm very sorry.

It would be hard to know the cause of the crossed legs like that, but since both are the same breed and from the same "hatch" I agree with the post quoted below by @Eggcessive
We have been giving them the Nutri Drench, one is doing much better, although she still walks with one foot in front of the other in a rather exaggerated way. My other gal is still growing, eating, and drinking, but her legs are just not working properly. I'm looking for a "special needs" home for her because i worry that my other chickens will pick on her and kill her. :( I am just sick over it.

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