HELP! Is my airchamber big enough?


Jan 3, 2018
Hello girls and guys,

I am currently at dat 17 of my incubation and i can’t really tell from the drawings of what the air chamber is supposed to be if my air chamber is big enough (or too big). Could you please help me? If there is something to do about it i need to do it now...

At first when I read the title I read it as is my armchair big enough and I was thinking, why would someone ask that on BYC? Lol I don’t know anything about air chambers sorry! Good luck with your hatch!
It’s 31 right now. I did get it up a bit higher the last 2 days (around 50) because the weight loss of the eggs was a littlebit too high. But now i was thinking the chamber was too small. So now i don’t know what i’m supposed to do. The weight loss is a bit too high, but the chamber looks too small...
It’s 31 right now. I did get it up a bit higher the last 2 days (around 50) because the weight loss of the eggs was a littlebit too high. But now i was thinking the chamber was too small. So now i don’t know what i’m supposed to do. The weight loss is a bit too high, but the chamber looks too small...
Go by air cells. It might be a wise idea to leave humidity low until pip.
I disagree with above poster.

I started weighing eggs and realized that I'd been aiming for air cells to be too large. If your weight loss is within the target zone (between 10-15% by day 18, with about 12% ideal) don't worry what the air cell looks like.

Since I started doing this, I've had 100% hatch, with only having issues with eggs that fell outside of that window, which I'm guessing was due to variations in egg porosity. In my last hatch, I had marked the eggs with too little and too much weight lost, and did assist the ones that seemed to struggle hatching (I think it was two had lost too much, one had lost too little) and out of 24 eggs had 24 happy, healthy chicks.

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