HELP! Is my chick deformed?!


10 Years
Jul 23, 2009
Woodinville, WA
On the other chicks has something attached at the umbilical site (no idea what it's really called). I'm afraid it may be some kind of organ that should be inside?! Can anyone tell what this is? Thanks in advance!!!


it is unabsorbed egg sack. They are supposed to finish abosorbing it during the hatch. It's most common in chicks that have been helped hatch prematurely but it can occur on its own too. How is the chick behaving? Sometimes they do fine with this and sometimes they don't make it. I'm not sure I'd recommend it but I have taken a damp q-tip and gently pushed it inward then taped it shut with a cut to fit bandaid. I think this worked but I'm not experienced enough to say that is the fix. I might leave it for a day and see it is absorbs it on its own? Do a search on "rough navels" and see if it looks like your chick.

This thread says let it dry out so ignore my method:
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Thanks Kelpie! It hatched today. It hatched very quickly on its own. Much faster than the others! The chick seems to be behaving normally. I'm so glad I don't need to do anything. I hope it will be ok...Time will tell I guess. Thanks so much for the link. It makes me feel A LOT better!

Kooshie, and blessedchickenmama, thanks for your replies and well wishes!
I had one chick with this, and i just kept it clean and left it alone. It eventually dried up and fell off. That chick is now 7 months old and just started laying. So yours may do ok too.
Just an update on this chick. The rough naval doesn't appear to be causing a problem, but the chick is weak in general, and the legs and feet specifically are small, thin, and weak. I have no idea if the two conditions are related, but either way, the chick does not seem to be thriving. It can get around, but it kind of waddles. It's not growing nearly as fast as the others. Do you think there's any hope for a chick like this?

At first I thought it had spraddle leg, and tried treating it for that, but it would fall down and not be able to get up. Then I noticed that it's legs are actually much thinner, and feet smaller than the other chicks, even though it was one of the biggest when it was hatched. I guess this is some kind of birth defect?

Thanks for any insights you can offer. Mainly, I would like to know if I should consider her a goner, or if there's any hope she could strengthen and grow up ok.

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