Help! Is something wrong??

Yes, I am usually very good about washing mine and my kids' hands after handling them, but last night was an exception. Anyway, I'm sure they will be alright! (-:
Thank you all so much for your help and suggestions! I looked my hens over today and I didn't see any signs of mites or lice. Any other ideas??
Just out of criosity... Do you have a heat lamp in your coop..???

The reason I'm asking, is because if you have a heat lamp, and it's hanging too close to where the birds walk, or roost, the feathers on the backs of your hens can easily get singed. (I speak from experience) Feathers are VERY delicate things, and heat lamps can burn then fairly easily...
You wouldn't see evidence of a burned feather, because hens preen, a LOT, and they will generally remove the ends of the feathers that are 'singed', leaving a broken feather stump behind (exactly like in your photo)
I have completely eliminated heat lamps from my coop, (except when necessary while raising chicks). I have, instead, opted to go with a hanging heater with a built-in thermostat, and a built in fan. It keeps the coop warm, my hens are safer, and it turns itself off when not needed. :) Though with the fanned heaters, you do have to make sure to 'clean' them inside occasionally (every few weeks). They tend to accumulate a lot of "chicken dust" inside. I use my husbands air compressor to clean the inside of my heater every 3-4 weeks when it is in use. :) Hahaha!

If you DO have a heat lamp, make sure that it is far enough from the birds that it will not burn them.

If a heat lamp is not your issue....
I did read that you do not have a rooster, but you could have a dominant hen. Some hens take over the role of a rooster, and yes, they can fake-mate other hens. LOL. Some have even been known to crow in the absence of a rooster! :) If you do have a dominant hen, she could be causing the broken back feathers, although I doubt it. Usually feathers are 'ripped' out during mating, not broken... I say usually, because there are exceptions...

As to the Poopy Bum. Some hens are just SOOO dog on fluffy, that poo gets stuck to their rears. All it takes is one runny poo, and when that stuff dries, the rest of the poos get caught on it as it falls down, and it's like an avalanche of poo yucky-ness.

But it could just as well be internal parasites. I would suggest worming your girls regularly.

To clean the rear, use warm water, and soak your hens rear for a few minutes to soften to poo, then you can use soap, or dog shampoo to wash it out, followed by a bit of conditioner, and make sure to rinse well. I have a couple REALLY fluffy hens, and no matter how much I kept their bums clean, they just kept on getting poopy (too many feathers) LoL So I opted to 'trim' the feathers around their vent just a bit to help remedy the problem.
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