Help!! Is this a Hen or a cockerel


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 18, 2013
Southern California
Hi, I am a new to raising chickens and I purchase all 5 of my 6 chicks from Dare2Dream farms because they guaranteed my chicks to be pullets, and so far they seem to be. Well, while shopping for organic food for my ducklings( i got 4 ducklings guarantee to be hens too) I ran across a Lavender Orpington and had to have it. Well, she's about 5 weeks now and it looks soooo different from the rest that I am starting to believe is not a she but a he!!!

Here are some pictures I took today, please give me your thoughts!

I know what you mean! I've fallen in love with my six baby silkies and I can tell each and every one of them apart. I would hate to end up with a rooster that I must give away. They really have taken a place in my heart!
Hi Alma

He's a boy. But he's a VERY, VERY beautiful boy! I'm certain you won't have any trouble re-homing him. I know it must be such a disappointment though. He's such a beautiful young boy!! Just for a perspective, here are my girls at 6 weeks. Notice the size of their combs and wattles:



And here they are at 16 weeks.

Suffice to say, you have a very handsome boy.

Thank you Kelly, he was an impulse purchase 2 weeks after I got my first chicks from Dare2Dream Farms. My girls are growing up to be beautiful sweet ladies. Thank you again for recommending the BO's. here is a picture of Sunny and Pasty.

The best place to get a more solid answer to that would be in this forum:

Not sure, myself from your photos...the color and residual feather fluff of the plumage makes it hard to see if those hackle feathers are pointed or not (they almost seem to be, which would indicate a roo), but I don't see pointed saddle feathers. The comb is a bit large/pink for the age, MAYBE...some breeds and even individual chicks do develop a bit faster/slower than others.
Thank you so much, I will go to the forum you recommended. I really like my lavander Orpington and would hate to be force to find her a new home
She/he is a beautiful bird.I honestly can't tell if it's a rooster or not, but I'm pretty sure it's a hen. My apologies if I'm wrong but I don't think it's a roo. She/he could just be developing slower or something. Good luck!
Thank you for your reply, I will hold on tight until I know for sure. She is supper sweet and quiet and will love to keep her if she turns out to be a hen.

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