Help! I've a rooster!


5 Years
Apr 28, 2014
Altadena, CA
I woke this morning to go to the coop to look at my young flock of hens. While walking to the coop, I heard a most unusual sound come from the coop and ran to see what the commotion was. To my dismay, my most beautiful hen, Abigail, was standing tall in the coop eliciting her first crows!

I'm so disappointed as I am an urban chicken keeper and don't think my neighbors will appreciate Abby's unique greetings. I don't think I can keep her. She is a gorgeous black and white Americauna (or Easter Egger).

Any ideas?
I woke this morning to go to the coop to look at my young flock of hens.  While walking to the coop, I heard a most unusual sound come from the coop and ran to see what the commotion was.  To my dismay, my most beautiful hen, Abigail, was standing tall in the coop eliciting her first crows! 

I'm so disappointed as I am an urban chicken keeper and don't think my neighbors will appreciate Abby's unique greetings.  I don't think I can keep her.  She is a gorgeous black and white Americauna (or Easter Egger).

Any ideas?

Hello and sorry to hear that! I would talk to the neighbors and see if they mind. If you don't have an ordinance against roosters I would keep him. I live in town and have 3 Roos and my neighbors never complain. I figure dogs bark, cows moo, cats meow, and all that, why can't my Roos crow without getting yelled at for it.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! Find out (if you haven't already) if you are allowed to keep a cockerel where you live. Then check with the neighbours if they'd mind.
Hopefully you will be allowed to keep him!
I second all other comments, check local ordinances and see if there are any rules against it. We live in the county so nothing can be said about my RIR rooster but I did let the neighbors know that we had a rooster and ask that they let us know if he is annoying (last part was just to be nice) and to out surprise she said "he want bother me at all I LOVE roosters! So look into it, you may get to keep him. If your not breaking any laws go for it!! like previous poster said all animals make some sort of noise. Even kids lol
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So sorry Abigail turned into a rooster!! I would definitely find out if you can keep roosters in your area and if it is ok with the neighbors, maybe you can keep him. If not, Kelsie has left you with some good links for possibly rehoming him.

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Hello and welcome! Sorry about Abigail, maybe you could name him Abner. My neighbors love hearing my Roo, I have not had one complaint yet! I agree with everyone, first you need to find out if you can keep him. Good luck!

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