Help - kitten foot was wrapped in umbilical cord

It feels warmer than when it was wrapped this AM, but not as warm as the other foot. But I'm excited that you think it looks good too.

Sheesh! Not even my kittens and I'm all wrapped up in them, don't tell my dog ~ she thinks she's all that and a bag of chips!
I can identify about getting attached. I'm my area's cat midwife/kitten rescue person.....even my vet has sent them home with me to raise in the past. 4 of my 6 house cats are orphans I raised on the bottle as are several of my outside ones. I'm bottle feeding a little abandoned guy right now plus Tripod my 3-legged kitten.

If it's feeling warm that's a good sign. Tripod's never did.
What fun! I haven't gotten to bottle feed one in awhile. The last one I did didn't even have his eyes open yet, so sweet!

Here's the whole litter of 5 along with the mom. I'm afraid I have my eye on the calico, I'm afraid it's got my name all over it!!

googled red footed kitten and found this. one of my barn cats just had a litter and one has a pinkish red foot. didn't see them being born but the foot is stiff and pink and a little swollen. I'm hoping it heals up fine.
Hello all, hoping someone might have some advice.  Seems like I'm the Kitten Midwife in my neighborhood, and usually it's no problem /img/smilies/wink.png 

One of the neigbor's cats had kittens overnight, maybe early this AM?  I saw them around 10 am.  There were 5, but 4 were tangled by umbilical cords.  I was able to seperate all of them and clip the cords.  But one kitten's foot seems to have taken the brunt of it, it was wrapped many times and the foot was cold, swollen, and kinda blue.  I freed it, and massaged some.  It seems to have pinked up a bit and if any, it might have swelled a tiny bit more (maybe because blood flow is returning?)  He's still dragging it, and I don't see it flexing or wiggling toes like his other foot yet.

Is there anything I should try?  Called the vet and he said without seeing it, he couldn't say if it would be ok, we'd have to wait and see.  But I thought I'd try my trusty Chicken friends and see if anyone has had this happen, and could give me a suggestion or two.

i'm so happy I wasn't the only one! The same exact situation happened with one of my cats, and unfortunately she ended up losing that foot. Strange part for me though.... is that her kitten was born without a foot as well, but the umbilical cord wasn't a problem this time?... that I know of, at least. Happened while I was asleep, by the time I woke up everything looked like it went perfect!? I don't get this

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