Help - Leghorn Roo comb is losing color.


11 Years
Oct 6, 2008
My Roo's comb is losing its red color. He is 8 weeks old and seems to be fine otherwise. One of his brothers mysteriously died last week and noone else shows any signs of sickness. I have 12 other chickens in the coop with him right now. They get some free range each day. They have dirt and pine chips in the coop. Fresh water daily.
Am I being an owner hypocondriact? Is this normal?
Thanks in advance!
loss of color in the reddish parts of the skin is usually a preemptive sign of illness. I'd give him a run of harmless antibiotics and make sure he has tons of water and sunlight. Don't know what else you could do...
Gave them all a 10 day run of Agrimycin - about 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water. The ones who seemed sickly all seem to be fine now.

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