HELP!! Lonely Goose

I don´t see it, serv....some breeds have quite a "stop" like this one....looks to me very much like West-of-England. Which, of course, isn´t a million miles from Doncaster. She´s very ´pretty, I´m dying to know if she has a friend yet.........
Me too, taping foot and waiting...
You can see it just ... And it dosent look like a big knob but its there ill make a pic of one of mine that has similar features of that knob

Finally found a very similar girlie goose for goose at a farm on the off chance, couldn't believe my luck. Here she is just chillin in the washing up bowl..

Married for two days now everything is going well. Thankyou all for you help. My work here is done.
Oh how wonderful you found a friend for goosey! YEA!!!!! Almost is colored just like the other goose. Great to see them swimming so close together already.. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!
Well done Sarniedaz!!!!!!! You did really the pics, please send more......they look great together....geese are so happy with other geese! How did you come across her? How did Goose react when you first brought Girlie back?
It's been two weeks now and they are inseparable the only downside is getting no sleep through the night when they both come knocking on the boat for food. The big question now is if we get any goslings out of this or they may be both female, but the way they are together i would say they are different sex.They are so happy together, and she even gets excited when she sees us. I will send more photos of them both in the future as you have all been kind and inspiring in finishing this story!!!
Goose was very well mannered with girlie from the off, but it was a windy day and they got seperated after about half hour i couldn't find her and thought she had flown off. There is a dyke next to the canal were i finally found her very tired and i had to catch her again because i knew she would not survive the night on her own with just coming from a farm. I built a pen for her and was going to take her back but thought i would give it one more go with goose the next day. He was just sat on the bank so i took her up to him and tried again on a calmer day, and they were just brilliant together from the off they did a bit of head bobbing and she now tends to lead the way and goose follows closely behind .He does tend to give her the odd pek on the wing but only when getting fed, i think that is just jealousy as we have fed him for years. They are never more than six feet apart, she is still learning from him and she is a bit wary of the ducks and moorhens and she needs to learn to compete for food more quickly. Apart from that she is doing very very well and adapting to the wild quite easily.

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