HELP ME!!! CHICKS HATCHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when they peep it feels like if they're telling me HELP ME! HELP ME! but I can't because 24hrs haven't passed
I just hatched two batches following wheaties dry incubation instructions, and my humidity stayed right around 55 during the last three days, occasionally spiking to around 60 when they'd hatch.

The way I added moisture when needed was the brainchild of another BYCer: I ran a length of aquarium tubing through the ventilation hole in the top of the incubator, then added HOT water, as needed, a teaspoon (5ml) at a time, by injecting the water through the tube with a 6cc syringe. It worked beautifully, and did not require opening the lid.'
i know it is hard to stay away from the bator right now, but the best thing you can do is stay away from it. it drives me nuts when they start to pip, wondering if i have did it all right. but good luck and we need pics when they come out, so keep us posted
I added water by accident to the bator and it raised the humidity to 58% and now im hearing less peeping, did that affected them???????
You added water by accident? How do you add water by accident? Did you open the bator? Was the water colder than the bator temp? Any changes could have affected them.

I say you should probably just go to sleep and let them rest. They'll be out soon enough. Just gotta leave them alone.
SILKIECHICKEN - I was walking then my dog got in my way and I had hot water for coffee and I triped and the HOT water fell in the bator and it got in by the windows and it raised it up to 60%. Fortunately my bator wasn't working, I was using a heat lamp to keep the temp., so thats how I added water by accident. Well I can hear the chicks again so now im not even putting a foot in my room at ALL. I don't even want to know what will happen next.
. SO silkiechicken does that answer your question???????
Ok, I'm up and waiting.
Whats going on, whats going on? It's funny you talked about putting your water in by accident. I checked my bater last night and my window was raised up and I had to fix it. Anything can happen.

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