Help me choose chick breed!

I am shocked at the amount of people who said EEs are quiet. Mine screams all day to the point that we named her Karen. Shes always complaining. OP, I know it's not on your list but I seriously love my production blues. They're super friendly, super quiet, lay HUGE eggs daily and are absolutely gorgeous.
I'm sorry but Karen is such a perfect name :lau
(Apologies to all the nice ladies named Karen out there)
I'm sorry but Karen is such a perfect name :lau
(Apologies to all the nice ladies named Karen out there)
I have a Karen EE also!! ( Well, she could also be a barnyard mix. Time and eggs will tell)
She’s got lots of different colors in her “hair”, complains about everything, and is very good motivated. We’ve had her since she was a week old and she STILL doesn’t want to be touched 🤷🏻‍♀️ She will eat out of our hands, but that’s it. She should start laying in mid-August.
We are getting 2 new baby chicks tomorrow (we already have 2, the 2new ones are replacements for 1 that passed away).
We are getting 1 salmon favorelle for sure, other than that what breed would you guys suggest?

we are looking for a good layer, friendly, and most importantly QUIET!!!!!

The list-
Cuckoo Marans
Rhode Island Reds
Black Copper Maran
Olive Eggers
Salmon Faverolle
Easter Eggers
Standard Blue Cochin

Maran’s aren’t too of our list as my mom thinks that they’re eggs taste funny.
I can not believe that the greatest bird ever is not on your list! Austrolorps

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