Help me decide please


Jun 4, 2016
ok a little back story. I have 4 chickens, one of them (Henny), my neighbor gave to me when she moved. She is fine in my little flock but she is sorta the outcast. My BR (Salt) is pretty aggressive towards her. Salt is a bully. Anyway I have 3 new brahama chicks (about 2 months old) who have been in the same coop, but separated by wire fencing. Usually when I introduce new chicks to the flock, I will have Dorathy with them for one on one time for a couple of days before merging them all together. Dorathy is 5yo, the head of the flock, and extremely gentle and sweet. So I trust her with the younge ones. Anyway I im having a hard time deciding if I want to have the one on one time with Dorathy (my sweet gental chicken) or Henny (the outcast). The reason I'm thinking about putting them with Henny, is so that hopefully they can grow close and Henny can finally have some friends. But 1. Im not sure if she is trustworthy with younge chickens, and 2. Im not sure if putting the chicks with Henny will cause my Salt to bully the younge ones too OR if Henny being in there little flock will help Salt to leave her alone. So im having a hard time deciding what to do. Any suggestions?
I was thinking about putting both of them with the chicks too. I like to let them out in the yard when I start mingling them so everyone has more space to run away if one decides to be rude lol. thank you

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