help me find chickens in literature please

A children's book:
Rosie the Hen, by Pat Hutchins
It's funny, but meant for children elementary age and younger.

Chaucer wrote about a rooster named Chanticleer in the Canterbury tales (written in the 1300s)
There are many variations of it even one by Pete Seeger. It's a cumulative folk type children's song. Not sure what era it comes from, but definitely no demoralizing videos involved. :p
Meant to say, the tune quoted is best known on this side of the pond as The Campbells Are Coming, an C18 anti-Jacobite song. Which of course has nothing to do with chickens.

Unless, I suppose, one mentally inserts the words "cream of"…
If we're including songs, mention of Pete Seeger reminds me of the great Malvina Reynolds:

Local legend here Grant Rogers also played on that show. My Grandfather played music with him.
Nothing chicken related but do remember a short verse found it;
"Rooster, rooster what makes your claws so hard?"
"From a-scratching around in this barnyard it's a wonder I ain't tired"

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