Help me find excuse! LOL...


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 15, 2010
I only have 6 chickens right now, and I am still working on their coop (their only about 4 weeks old)..I am making the coop and runner big enough for all of them, but I am REALLY wanting to add a silkie to my little girls or even a key west chicken....Unfortunately DH isn't letting me have any more......can anyone come up with a good excuse that I should get one of those breeds??? LOL....I am getting chicken fever.
Use chicken math.

6 chicken + 1 Silkie + 1 Key West = 6 chickens or less depending on the chicken math needed at the time.

Chicks are fuzzy.
Chicks are involved in chicken math.
Hence Chicken math uses fuzzy numbers.

So as described, 6+1+1 still equals 6 using chicken math.

I use the same math to explain to my DW that the 8 7 week old pullets + 5 more Silver Sebright chicks + 5 White Leghorn chicks still equals 8 chickens. To further support my claim I explained that if I weigh all 18 (normal math) birds that they will not even add up to 2 dressed supermarket birds.

Lastly, remember that it is sometimes easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.
I really like the last part---making an incubator & hatching them is an educational project - if you have children that one works pretty well.
Normally, husbands buy big expensive toys. If yours has purchased something like this recently, contrast the price spent on his "hobby" with what you spend on your chickens. They usually back down quickly rather than defend the expense of their toys.

Approach # 2 : say something like, "These chicks make me feel SOOOO happy" Isn't it amazing that something that costs so little can make me happy?" and when Mama is happy........

Approach #3: say, "there are HOW MANY in the cage? Hmmm, you must have counted wrong, Wow how did that happen?"

Approach #4: say, "Well, I guess I won't buy that new dress/bag/shoes/lamp/bedspread/jewelry this month. I'd rather have these
sweet little chicks."

You get the idea....
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Fuzzy Math!!! LOLOLOL That's HILARIOUS!!! Aaaaaannnnnddd it explains why last night when my son let slip that I had 40 chickens now that my lovely bride said "40?? FORTY!!?? I thought we had SIX!!!" to which I replied..."well, you see, what had happened was....". She rolled her eyes, said I was obsessed and was done. That happened BEFORE she caught me building the incubator. BAHAHAHAHAHAHACLUCK HAHAHAH
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When people ask me how many chickens I have, I tell them "I don't know..I never counted them. That way no one can say I have too many".
That way..I don't have to justify having a lot of them. Chickens are addicting..FACT! I recently bought 18! And I hatch weekly so a few always get left behind and never seem to make it to the sales.
If you bought straight run chicks, there's a pretty good chance you'll have a roo to two or three in you buying a silkie is just to fill in the gap you'll have when you rehome (or eat) the roos.

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