Help me identify my chicks -especially the roos (beilelfelder or cream legbar)


6 Years
Jul 10, 2014
Fuzzy Bottom Farm, Woodinville, WA
I hatched cream legbar and beilelfelder chicks in the same incubator and while I can tell the females apart -I believe the chipmunk stripes are darker on the cream legbars (can anyone confirm?). I am more confused about the roos. Which are which?

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Thank you all! I am debating on keeping the bielelfelders or not since they are similar looking to the cream legbars. My second batch is hatching right now and from the looks of it -lots of roosters, so I should know which are which now.
Cream legbar roos shouldn't have much striping and should have a white/creamy head spot. I don't know anything about beilelfelder chicks though.

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