Help me identify these two, please!

The first chicken is a goldenlaced Wyandotte. Black sexlinks are black with gold coming through its feathers around the chest and back. The second picture is a brown leghorn. There's no blue coloring in her. Both are wonderful laying hens in my opinion.
Gold laced wyandotte for the first (black sex links tend to be solid black with a varying amount of red leaking through on the neck and chest)

Second one is a brown leghorn
What they all said
Thank you! They've had 4 days to settle in now, and I'm wondering why no eggs? My Gold Sex Link is still laying every day. The two new girls - Roadrunner (the Brown Leghorn), and Speckles (the Gold Laced Wyandotte), show no signs of laying. I think the Wyandotte might still be young, as her comb is not very developed, but the Leghorn sure has a nice comb and wattles! Am I wrong about the ages? These girls were from Craig's List, and the owner couldn't tell me much about them.

Your wyandotte's comb will not get much bigger. It is a rose comb- great for cold hardy chickens (less chance of frost bite). Give 'em a week or two to adjust, they will lay.

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