Help me keep the stray cats away~long

yup! what she said! i think their should be a leash law on them also!!!!!!!! and shes also right....animal control WILL NOT come out to get a cat..(not here anyway)..but they will for a dog...why??

it drives me batty (i think its' the same almost everywhere sadly). Dogs are never strays here for more than a day or two, MAYBE longer if someone caught the dog and is just waiting on the dog catcher to come pick it up. If it's a cat.... nothing is done...nothing. You have to take ti to the pound and then you get there and the refuse the cat unless you pay...

yup...some shelters here make you pay also...what do they expect us to do? its better to bring them in to be put to sleep peacefully then suffer in my woods with foxes and coy dogs and heat and freezing cold winters and starvation!(but i CANT keep paying to bring them to shelters!!) it breaks my heart! i've taken in as many as i can..i have 6..i cant take any more!...and now we have another one around here, a pretty white and grey one...if he keeps coming around i'll have to catch him and re-home him or bring him to a shelter. and the sad part is...he COULD be someones pet..and they just let him outside....but how do i know this if he comes around here every day? i hate it...i dont know what to do with them! but i'll never forget the time i found a momma and her 2 babies starving on my porch...we had set out out garbage after supper, then a couple hours later went outside to bring it to the garbage barrels. well there she was with 2 small babies..she had ripped open the trash bag and she was actually pushing her babies to eat the pork chop bones there...she wasnt even eating...she was trying to get her babies to eat before her!! and she was SO skinny and sickly! but she knew her babies were starving! i cried so hard that night! because of how she was suffering! then we found a 3rd dead baby behind my house... Why do people do this to animals! why do they make US make these so hard choices! why cant they keep their cats inside or on their OWN property and take care of them!!
And if you put out food for feral cats, especially if it sits out after dark - you will attract every raccoon in town.

Some people several streets over feed feral cats and it never fails I see 2 huge raccoons hanging out in their yard anytime I walk by after dark.
I was not suggesting that you leave food lying around youre property
You feed the animals as you would youre own animals I dont leave food out for any of my animals ecpt the baby birdies, they have feeding times.
Im just saying MOST cats are tertitoral so if you get them fixed and vaccinated and keep a few they will keep the other NON fixed NON vaccinated animals away soyou have less deaths , births and messes on youre property. If you simply kill or get rid of animals like that all you are doing is creating a hole that will then be filled by more as there is always a supply of homeless and feral and abandoned animals because most people dont have the moral fiber to take care of there animals properly and let htem breed out of control or dump them when they dont want them any more.
I just don't like cats because my dd is alergic and when I was young I had so many ringworms from my Aunt's cats that I had to have shots. We had kittens when we first got married and they tore everything up and I mean everything. My Uncle had a cat that would attack us for no reason, so you see I have many reasons but I don't hate. I love animals but it doesn't mean I have to like them. Hope this makes sense. I don't wish any harm to any stray animal but the owners who drop them off I would like them to get a big ticket . We have looked and can not figure out where the cat got in to have the kittens but we know there has to be something somewhere. Thanks everyone for your support
Around my place, feral cats never last too long. There is an old abandoned barn not far from here, and in that barn lives a Great Horned Owl. When we first moved here, there were tons of feral cats living by that barn. they are all gone now, (plus, we are on our 4th barn cat). So, maybe one of those statues of an owl might work as a deterrent?
Bring them all the a shelter. Theyl probebly put them to sleep because some stupid person didnt fix them. There are WAY too many caats in this world because of people like that. I would just drop ALL oft hem off at a shelter. Theyll find homes for those they can and kill the others, which has to be done.

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