Help me name my new roo??? PHOTOS!

Wolfman Jack
That's a cool name.
If I had a pair, i'd name one thunder and the other lightning (have to be white- white lightning!)

Thanks. Yeah, I two pigeons, siblings, named Thunder and Lightning.

Maybe Zephyr, Spock, Pepper, Storm, Thor, Captain Jack Sparrow, Toruk....Tux is good too. I had a rooster named Roodini.
I know there's a perfect name for him, but I just can't quite grasp it.....

I think Black Beard is still really good too, even though his beard isn't totally black.
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Well, I thought of "Morgan" (as in Cap't - but someone else had suggested it)

then "Jack" (as in Sparrow - but someone else had suggested it)

then "Lafitte" (pronounced la-FEET) (as in Jean - pirate that lived in New Orleans)

then "CC" (as in DeVille - guitarist for Poisen - big hair band from '80's)

then "Van" (as in "Van Halen" - big hair band from '80 & 90's)

I could go on and on with big hair band names!

Have fun!! - I am...
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