I need help deciding on the next breeds to hatch out!
I have already in bator one and in bator two...exchequer leghorn, green laying EEs, wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana, buff laced polish, white crested black polish, salmon fav, blue/splash orpingtons, barred olive eggers, black copper marans, columbian wyandottes, barnevelders and lemon blue/blue/buff/splash cochin. All are LF!
I'm ready to set bator three and need help picking my next babies!!!
Oh in bator four I'm setting Welsummers and blue/black Ameraucanas. I would love to find someone with blue eggs though, If you have some let me know!!! All my EEs and Ameraucanas are green or green/blue, would love to have blue though.
I have already in bator one and in bator two...exchequer leghorn, green laying EEs, wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana, buff laced polish, white crested black polish, salmon fav, blue/splash orpingtons, barred olive eggers, black copper marans, columbian wyandottes, barnevelders and lemon blue/blue/buff/splash cochin. All are LF!
I'm ready to set bator three and need help picking my next babies!!!
Oh in bator four I'm setting Welsummers and blue/black Ameraucanas. I would love to find someone with blue eggs though, If you have some let me know!!! All my EEs and Ameraucanas are green or green/blue, would love to have blue though.