Help me pin down the color.

I do remember that conversation. He looks the part of the other males that are S/s+ Bl/bl+ so I would assume that is what he is without test crossing. I'm not sure how you'd determine the difference short of just crossing him to the silver duckwing females and seeing how the offspring turn out. 🤔 Di dominant dilute seems to dilute shank color as well, so I don't think that's a possibility for him with his willow shanks, but I could be mistaken on that. If he's got the recessive gold inhibitor ig, crossing him to silver duckwing would make golden (S/s+) males and gold (s+/-) females all carrying ig. If he's truly golden S/s+ without a cream diluter, then you'd get golden (S/s+) and silver (S/S) male offspring and gold (s+/-) and silver (S/-) female offspring from that cross.

The only other potential issue is I believe wheaten and duckwing males are identical in appearance, so that could throw a bit of a wrench into your breeding plan. Do you know what his chick down looked like or did you get him as an adult?

Definitely keep us posted on how his offspring turn out! :pop
I do, it was wild type. Full on stripes.

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