HELP ME PLEASE!! I'M New at this!!!! No one will help!!!


8 Years
Jun 23, 2011
Hi I have currently become addicted to chickens!! It started with 6......and now is upto 30+!! Yes I really enjoy them and so do my kids. Yesterday afternoon while feeding my 6wk old cochins--very nice birds--one kept pecking me--she did it 4 times! Then when I went and checked on her later her eyes were closed--no matting or running in her eyes and she was hunched down in a big PUFFY ball and was no longer aggressive??? Then I noticed in the same pen that one of the other cochcin chics had some feathers missing from both sides of her neck and kept hiding under the other three babys-who are growing just fine?? Odd!! I can't figure out what was wrong and I don't want to loose my whole flock! I ordered these chics from the other Wyndottes I ordered are fine??
I seperated both of the birds last night--and they were in the same shape at about midnight--then this morning at about 8 am they are wide eyed and walking around????? Glad but still worried something is wrong???
I called all of my local vets and no one will help!
Please someone tell me what my next step should be--
I wish I could help. Maybe a picture of the sick ones would be helpful? Best of luck!
Are you sure the Cochin wasn't taking a nap? The wee one with feathers missing is getting pecked by the others. She'll find her place in the order of things and feathers grow back. Keep an eye on her, if wee ones are in same pen as older hens then it could get bad and have to separate.
The one with feathers missing sounds like she was attacked - maybe by another chick or chicken??? Feathers missing and trying to hide/get away - sounds like an attack to me. I'm wondering whether the other chick was acting aggressive because it was sick or hurt??? (Kind of like an injured/sick dog may growl at people). There's really just not enough information to go by. It's good though that they both appear to be feeling well today. I would sit and watch for about 30 minutes when you put them back out...
It sounds like they got into a little fight. Eyes can heal really quickly so it was likely just a small scratch. I'd keep an eye on the little one getting picked on. You might want to separate the youngest away from the bigger girls so they won't be picked on or you can just observe them and if you see them getting picked on a lot then you can separate them. Hopefully this will help and keep us updated!

Chickens are so addicting and this place is a great way to learn and share with other addicts!

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