Help me please


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 19, 2013
Hi I have a 2 yr old call duck she was fine and now she can't walk she just crawls can anyone please help me?

Also have day old call duckling what's best thing to feed them?
Thank you
Can you tell us more? Is there a drake? Has she been laying and then stopped a day or two ago? Diet? Anyone else been caring for her? Free ranging?

The first things that came to my mind, but I have nothing to go on:

egg bound

I would put her in lukewarm water deep enough to float in and watch her closely - don't leave her alone. Look for signs of injury, look at her vent, her eyes, does she have an off odor? How does she move her legs, does she move her legs?
Hi she was sitting on eggs for 2 wks then I came home and she was outside the house no longer sitting on them. She can not walk she just crawls she can swim perfectly on her pond. I've tried niacin in her water I've tried worming her I've given her calcium. She eats chick grain and she's been eating chick starter as well and she has free range of the garden all day and locked in there house at night. Any suggestions ?
We are in dubbo nsw australia it's 30 degrees getting hot what do you suggest
Leg weakness, then? Could be a back injury, something affecting her nerves. I just feel I may be missing something that might be obvious if I were right there . . . .

I would get her into a tub of lukewarm water where I could watch her very closely. Check for any sign of back injury, swelling of joints. Are her feet or legs unusually warm? Look for bumbles on her feet.

Get some food grade activated charcoal, put a capsule of it in a cup of water and let her drink out of that. It cannot hurt her, and it binds toxins - just in case. Not too much charcoal, that can cause constipation.

How is her stool?
She's had runny poos the last week. If it's back injury what do I do ?
I would think starter crumbles would work for them, non-medicated.

Runny poos could indicate infection. It is helpful if you can, to get a veterinarian's help. I am just a duck person, though I have read a bunch here and in books, and have talked to our vet, and dealt with some infections and troubles with our ducks.

Also, a vitamin with electrolytes and probiotics would be good for her.

For a back injury, I would want her somewhat confined so she will rest a bit, and give her hydrotherapy (lukewarm floating baths) three or four times a day. Be sure to give vitamins to help her heal. And if you can, again, consider a vet.

I have read about something called a slipped tendon - don't know if it happens to adult ducks, I only recall mention of that in ducklings.

Were her eggs damaged at all? Could something have injured her to get at the eggs?

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