Help me sex my Easter Egger Please!

I have to say... I think those colors patterns are generally cockerel colors and patterns. It is possible that you wouldn't see pointed saddle feathers by now if it was a boy. But sometimes the common characteristics of roosters/hens in EE aren't *always* accurate because they are a mixed breed. So it could be a girl. To sum it up, I have no clue, that's just my thinking on it :lol:
Thats a cockerel 100% i had one that looked just like him too he is now in a new home and im waiting to see what gender these EE babies turn out to be..
Well you were correct. I had him in my house due to cold weather and him being young and got woken up by the lovely crowing! Ty for your help! Also can you cross a EE and a Rhode island red hen?
I have to say... I think those colors patterns are generally cockerel colors and patterns. It is possible that you wouldn't see pointed saddle feathers by now if it was a boy. But sometimes the common characteristics of roosters/hens in EE aren't *always* accurate because they are a mixed breed. So it could be a girl. To sum it up, I have no clue, that's just my thinking on it :lol:
O it's a rooster! Woke up to the doodleing in the living room! Ty!
Welcome to BYC. Pictures indicated, and crowing proves that you have a cockerel. Yes, you can mate him to your RIR hens, and pullets produced may very well lay greenish/olive eggs.
Hi I'm new to being a chicken mommy. Right now I know for a fact I have 9 Rhode island red hens. I just got a Easter egger it's approximately 4 months old I was told it's a hen but I'm unsure. Can any of you lovely experts help me?
I have two easter egger hens and this looks like a rooster to me

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