Help me solve a bullying problem.


Apr 12, 2024
Hi all! A little over a month ago we lost several hens to a fox ever since then the rooster who is typically a perfect gentleman has been bullying/excluding 2 or possibly three of the hens. I have posted about this before and followed all advice (redoing their coop/run, adding hiding spots/line of sight disruptors, making sure bullied hens are healthy etc.) The rooster still does not allow the hens to free range with the group/ do other group activities. One hen is looking particularly rough although he still mounts her but not the others for some reason. I have reached the end of my wits as it is hard to watch him be so mean but he is the baby of my favorite hen who we lost and I don't want to get rid of him until I can breed him next spring or later this summer.
I have a couple of ideas and would appreciate feedback as I have never had an issue like this:
1: Isolate the head hen within viewing distance of the rest of the flock for a few days. I would prefer not too but could also rehome her as she bullies the excluded ones heavily.
2: Isolate the rooster for a few days in the same way.
3: I found 2 adult chickens of laying age on Craigslist and was wondering if adding new chickens to the flock would help or hurt the situation. I would like to get my numbers back up but I am worried this could just make the situation worse. I would obviously be very cautious with the new chickens and take all proper precautions while introducing them.
4: Rehome the bullied hens, my numbers are already lower than I would like but I will do what is best for my chickens. I was told not to do this by a friend because she said they would just be bullied at their new home.

Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance!!
I would pen the rooster up for a few weeks. Somewhere he can still see everyone. He will hopefully calm down, and forget about the new bad habits he's developed.

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