Help meeded qith harlequin

@Quatie @Miss Lydia so he isn't any better today still bobbing walking like he's drunk.. he isn't really drinking on his own. I have to tube him to make.him drink and still no eating he has only pooped once and that was when I made him drink... any other suggestions. I gave him the qcc of the b12 stuff from TSC. And niacin in his water but without him drinking that doesn't help. Should we try something like body Armour or Gatorade? I don't know what else to do for him? My other option is ti surrender him to the waterfowl people and I don't really want to unless you feel this a route I should go. How often should we be tubing him with water?
I was really getting worried. Thank you for updating just wish it was good news.
This link @Quatie gave you tells you step by step what to do. And how often.
B12 stuff? is it liquid B complex? Yes use Gatorade if you have it.
This will be your decision about surrendering him to waterfowl people Have you discussed his problems with them? and what did they say?
I was really getting worried. Thank you for updating just wish it was good news.
This link @Quatie gave you tells you step by step what to do. And how often.
B12 stuff? is it liquid B complex? Yes use Gatorade if you have it.
This will be your decision about surrendering him to waterfowl people Have you discussed his problems with them? and what did they say?
They won't discuss you have to surrender them they don't give advice
@Miss Lydia @Quatie

So here is today's update. I followed the video for tubing. A huge life saver for giving fluids!! Have done electrolyte water since we first spoke. No realy improvement. Added niacin to water but now I'm out ao have ordered more...
Gave Gatorade yesterday and today no real change but not worse... so today he finally pooped... yeah!!! So I. Mixed the Kaytee food today and gave him 5 ml that was it. I don't want to over load him. He also got 5ml of Gatorade as well. So that's how he went to bed. Let's hope tomorrow is better I'll keep you posted. I appreciate all your help during this time. I also mixed herb water today and put two buckets in their room with some b complex crushed in it for the over night... ill keep you up to date when I get home.tomorrow. my worry is when I'm gone all day I can't make him eat or drink.
That is great you were able to tube feed! It really can be a huge lifesaver. For fluids, you can give it 50mls at a time. I treated my runner that is pretty small, and she called for over 50mls. You can do 14 ml per lb. Especially since you won't be around much during the day, the more fluids you can get into the duck the better. Hopefully you will start to see an improvement in it's energy level soon.
I hope you see improvement too. Getting fluids and food into him after a few days will hopefully get him wanting to eat and drink again on his own. I tube fed my Runner for 5 days before she would start eating on her own. This was 3X a day, Thankfully being retired has its perks. I was able to do this.
I hope you see improvement too. Getting fluids and food into him after a few days will hopefully get him wanting to eat and drink again on his own. I tube fed my Runner for 5 days before she would start eating on her own. This was 3X a day, Thankfully being retired has its perks. I was able to do this.
@Miss Lydia he doesn't want to eat yet but your correct. U going after a few days he will eat on his own. He drank a little water today and sis try ro bathe himself today. So that's promising. He's still"drunk" walking but wants to be with the other ducks. So that's good too. I've given him food twice today upt to 50 ml via the tube. And will one more time.before bed... so today is only day two of food.
It's a start. Getting nourishment into him will give him some energy and hopefully he'll start getting hungry on his own.
Your doing great! It's just so hard to know what could be going on but giving him nourishment is a big plus towards getting him well.

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