HELP! Miscalaculated egg hatch date and turner still in low humidity!


12 Years
Sep 16, 2011
Hatching 21 guineas and two chickens. I just went to pull the turner that I turned off this morning and I have one chick out and 3 or more pipped! Humidity is 45. Working on raising with tube and syringe. Freaking out now!!! I don't know how i messed the date up since I wrote it on the incubator!!!
Don't worry... sounds like they are doing alright. When they start hatching they increase humidity for the others anyway. I have heard of folks hatching at 35% humidity!?

Congrats on the new chick!!
Thanks! Another is almost out. Sheesh these are hatching much faster than last time. Problem is they are still in the auto turner!!! What should I do???
Since they are hatching I would just leave them in it... since it is off they can't get hurt, right? I don't have a turner so I don't know, but isn't it much like hatching upright in egg cartons?
Yes its been off since this morning. Kindof, these guys are stopped at an angle and could get their feet stuck. I guess I'll combat that if it happens. I just had 3 more pip. Too much risk if I open.

ETA: I quick switched the out of the turner because one of the chicks got its leg stuck and started knocking around the other eggs. I saturated the cartons with warm spray water and covered the eggs with paper towels soaked in warm water too as I transfered each over. Humidity is super high at 80% now, should fall as towels dry. Fingers crossed I didnt just kill a whole bunch of babies :(
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Yes its been off since this morning. Kindof, these guys are stopped at an angle and could get their feet stuck. I guess I'll combat that if it happens. I just had 3 more pip. Too much risk if I open.

ETA: I quick switched the out of the turner because one of the chicks got its leg stuck and started knocking around the other eggs. I saturated the cartons with warm spray water and covered the eggs with paper towels soaked in warm water too as I transfered each over. Humidity is super high at 80% now, should fall as towels dry. Fingers crossed I didnt just kill a whole bunch of babies

How are they doing?
Perfect! It worked. I got them over quick enough and got the humidity up with the warm water soaked paper towels. All the ones that externally pipped I was freaking out about have hatched. And more are coming. 6 keets and both chicks have hatched. I had 2 chicken eggs and 20 viable keets so we'll see!

So if anyone ever accidentally miscalculates their hatch and they start to pop out in the turner---try the above. Be QUICK but gentle. WARM WATER and keep the eggs covered with the soaked towels. Spray spray spray the towels and eggs every 5-10 seconds with warm water spray bottle. I also pre-misted the egg cartons so they would be moist too.

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