Help mixing birds.


6 Years
Jan 25, 2018
Central Arkansas
I now have my coop and run completed and looking to meet up with a breeder that will sell me 5-8 month old pullers. I only have room for 6 birds so I'm needing to be selective in my choices of breed.

I'm wanting birds that produce many eggs.
Would like a variety of egg colors.
Must be docile with my grandkids.
Will not fight amongst themselves once pecking order established.

I hAve read and read and only get more and more confused.
Here is what I was thinking, your opinions please.
2- EE green eggs
2- Marans chocolate eggs
2- Speckled Sussex (or Cinnamon queens or RIR)

He also has Barred Rocks but I need the last two birds to be good brown egg producers. I'm already thinking my coop is not large enough!
Have read the Queens and RIR can be bossy with other breeds.

The breeder wouldn't make any comment as he keeps them all separated.
You must decide what is MOST important to you. Production birds are bred for production. So your RIR or Cinnamon Queens will likely be the best layers of the breeds you mention, however your Speckled Sussex will likely be more docile with the other birds.

I also purchased older birds instead of day old chicks. It certainly has some advantages. Hopefully you will get to somewhat partake in the bird selection at the farm. Observe the birds. Watch how they behave. When I was selecting 2 birds to add to an existing flock I knew they had to be docile and I wanted layers and cold hardy and those were my only requirements. When I got to the farm there was one bird that was clearly low in the pecking order. I saw other chickens step on it. It was calm when we walked around in the enclosure. It wasn't beat up or picked on, but it was obvious it wasn't a fighter (or a cockerel). It wasn't a breed I'd ever considered, but it met my requirements, I brought it home, and it fit in with my other girls perfectly. Though it was the new girl and the largest girl, it's remained low in the pecking order and everyone gets along fine. Watch the birds and trust your gut. Once you are there it may be obvious that certain birds are just not for you. When at the farm I also witnessed other birds puff up their feathers and charge each other. Some were young cockerels sorting things out, some were not, but it was clear, these were not for my flock. Good luck!
Already you want more birds! YES! That's what happens, for sure.
EEs, French Marans (not necessarily the clean legged cuckoo Marans, who lay lighter eggs), and SS. The SS may not lay as many eggs as the production reds, but they are much friendlier and generally nicer chickens. I do love the SS!
Go for it!
Greetings Coopnrun,

First, Welcome to BYC! :jumpy

You've made some great choices for what you want!

But, may I suggest the New Hampshire breed? The New Hampshire is derived from the Rhode Island Red. They are consistent and productive egg layers. They are very thick fleshed birds (not that mine are for eating), and they have a gentle temperament. Their feather coloring is a lighter rust, chestnut, a bit of black at the tail tip. I am very glad to have them in my flock of: 1 Black Ameruacana (green eggs), 2 Buff Orpintons (tan eggs), 1 white hackle game hen (white egg), 1 Light Sussex (pink tinted egg), 3 New Hampshires (brown eggs), and my Rhode Island Red rooster!

They all get along very well. Having said that, chickens are like people. Each is an individual. What may be a general trait for the breed, may not be the reality for an individual of that breed. My flock is very calm, but I spend a lot of time interacting with them, some like to sit on my lap or feet. Only the alpha hen, is a bit cranky. But, she is the queen, and has the responsibility of keeping the flock in check. I also provide a few hours of free range time each day, and distractions in the pen/run for when they are in confinement.

Here are some pictures of my adult birds.

New Hampshires: Cinnamon and sister Beegie

Beegie stretching her wings in the run.

The flock out free ranging.

I hope my description of this breed was helpful to you.

God Bless :frow

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