I now have my coop and run completed and looking to meet up with a breeder that will sell me 5-8 month old pullers. I only have room for 6 birds so I'm needing to be selective in my choices of breed.
I'm wanting birds that produce many eggs.
Would like a variety of egg colors.
Must be docile with my grandkids.
Will not fight amongst themselves once pecking order established.
I hAve read and read and only get more and more confused.
Here is what I was thinking, your opinions please.
2- EE green eggs
2- Marans chocolate eggs
2- Speckled Sussex (or Cinnamon queens or RIR)
He also has Barred Rocks but I need the last two birds to be good brown egg producers. I'm already thinking my coop is not large enough!
Have read the Queens and RIR can be bossy with other breeds.
The breeder wouldn't make any comment as he keeps them all separated.
I'm wanting birds that produce many eggs.
Would like a variety of egg colors.
Must be docile with my grandkids.
Will not fight amongst themselves once pecking order established.
I hAve read and read and only get more and more confused.
Here is what I was thinking, your opinions please.
2- EE green eggs
2- Marans chocolate eggs
2- Speckled Sussex (or Cinnamon queens or RIR)
He also has Barred Rocks but I need the last two birds to be good brown egg producers. I'm already thinking my coop is not large enough!
Have read the Queens and RIR can be bossy with other breeds.
The breeder wouldn't make any comment as he keeps them all separated.