HELP!!!! Momma turkey has been on the nest for 14 days


8 Years
May 6, 2011
Please help me with some info.

I am new to turkeys.

A momma bird nested right outside my back door. We saw 14 eggs in the nest while she was off the nest but now, she has not moved for 14 days. I want to know what I can do to provide some food and water to the momma before her condition worsens. Does anyone have any info to help?

Please... I am concerned for the momma's health...

Brookfield, CT
I assume you are talking about a wild turkey? She should sit on the nest for 23 hours and 45-55 minutes a day for the entire 28 days it takes for her babies to hatch. There is nothing you need to do as she likely gets off just once a day when you aren't looking. The reason she got off the nest before is because they will lay one egg a day until they have as many as they want.
Sorry, yes... wild turkey.

I was afraid that the 14-21 days of pretty much no food or water was going to adversely affect the momma bird. I thought maybe I could help out as we can get within feet of the nest without her moving and if I could provide some food and water, that would help. I have 8 chickens in the yard, but MANY predators in the woods and if I can keep momma from having to hit the woods for food while she nest, that would be a good thing....

We don't have wild turkeys in my immediate neighborhood, although they have them within 10 miles of me. So, I've never seen a wild turkey nest. My Royal Palm cross hen has been sitting since Easter Sunday, and I've only seen her off the nest for a few moments when I bring food and water and treats.

I've had wild ducks and pheasants nest in the yard, and they would only leave the nest either just at the crack of dawn (the pheasant) or at dusk (the mallard) and only be gone about 15-20 minutes tops.

I wouldn't worry too much. If you can put out some food and water close to the nest without that in and of itself attracting predators, that would be a good thing.
Thanks for the info. Is there anything I should do once they have hatched? I was planning on letting nature take its' course, assuming they would wander off when they are ready. I see many people on this board raise turkeys. Can you start with a wild nesting? I have 8 chickens now and maybe adding turkeys would not be too much fuss.

The best thing you can do for that turkey is stay as far away as possible. Scents attract predators. Food or even people scent. Studied duck nests have very high predation rates because predators follow the scent trail left by the researchers. Don't provide food or water. The hen knows exactly where her nest is, and exactly where to go on her very short breaks to get what she needs. Don't approach the poults. They will dry off and follow the hen into the woods and do just fine.

Raising turkeys is a lot of fun. If you are interested, get some domesticated poults. You can get heritage breeds that are just as interesting to look at as the wild birds.

Please avoid the temptation to interefere with the wild nest. Let them hatch and go off and do what wild turkeys do...
Not to mentention it is aginst the law to take wild turkey poults. Remember, just because they are on your place, they still belong to the state. Just let her be and she will take care of the babies.
Thank you all for your help. Momma seems just fine and we will limit our contact, although she is two feet outside my back door. I will try to post a pic, but I don't seem to be able too via my phone....

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