Help! Mother and ducklings in garden pool


so the mallard ducklings are 8 weeks old today and the eight that survived are all girls!
They look really shiny and strong And happy I’ll attach a photo!
Mother duck left at around 4/5 weeks but I did see her visit around 4am and stay an hour with them for a couple weeks! (I think she have been coming just for food to be honest but with none being out at that time she stopped coming)

I haven’t seen them fly yet but a couple have been flapping their wings.
So my question is -

will they have a natural instinct / ability to teach themselves to fly
And will they even leave?!
Do I stop feeding them now they’re of age to fly to encourage them to go?

Do they also forage? Maybe start cutting back on their feed gradually so they aren't just stopped cold turkey. They look great and they will practice flying over the next few weeks. Then they may leave. Last year a member rehabbed some Wood ducklings and when time for them to leave they flew off but 3 came back and have stayed. So now she has pet Wood ducks. So you just never know with these. But you've sure done a great job caring for them. @ThreeOfSeven can tell you her story.
Yeah they do look but they’ve cleaned the pond clear of newts and frogs and there’s not much else for them now really.

Thank you!

As soon as they do hopefully go I’ll have the pool cover on for a bit to be safe and I’ll not feed them again if they return!
They do peck at the grass when they go to the pond of a morning and swim in the pond
and they snap flies at the pool and bob down a lot.

They’re not tame they wouldn’t let me pet them or close enough to pet but they’re ok coming within say a metre to eat food
They are dependent on you for food that’s why it’s important to wean them off making them a little hungry so they start looking for food. I’d think in the next couple of weeks they’ll be flying around. Then next year mama may come back and you’ll be doing it all over again :hugs:)

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