HELP Mum pecking babies


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 14, 2014
Gold Coast, Queensland Australia.
We gave our frizzle 3 babies last night, all seemed well, but whenever they come out from under her she is pecking them. Is this tough love or hasn't she accepted them? If she hasn't I will take them away from her.
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This is not normal, it can lead to injuries. Perhaps she thinks there is something stuck on them. Are they spotted?

How are they doing now?
Oddly enough they all have a black spot on their heads, (Sussex). All are well and happy this morning, I think she is an overprotective mamma. I wish she would let them out for long enough to eat and drink though, they are 4 days old now.
As long as she pecks gently and isn't causing them to not eat, drink, or causing injury than they should be okay. Young chicks are easily wounded by sharp beaks, so keep an eye on them. However, its always best to try and let them stay with their mother if possible.

Best of luck!

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