HELP! My 2 1/2 mo. little turkey tires very quickly, struggles to breathe, and sneezes all the time.


In the Brooder
Jul 18, 2016
Hi, My slate blue turkey will be 3 months old in August. She is 1/4 of the size of the other 4. From the beginning she peeped incessantly, couldn't keep up with the others, and was kept from food by the rest of the flock so I keep her separate, but can see her family. She eats, drinks, and poos fine. Her eyes always look like she is exhausted. She sleeps standing up. I am doing everything I can to give her quality of life by giving her tons of attention and love and supervised visits with her 4 sisters and brother. They are perfectly healthy and strong. I've done 10 days of Tylan 50, and there was no improvement. I've done 2 days of the Vet RX so far and very little improvement. Please help? If it is Aspergillosis, what is her life expectancy? I love little Gretyl so much, I'm so sad that she's never known what it's like to have fun.
Oh my goodness, she is so sweet looking! I hope you find answers soon. You are such a good mom!!! Feel better, Gretyl
You are SO kind for checking back! Thank you♡ She became so much worse. When I got home Tuesday from work she was gasping so hard, we had to put her down. :hit I couldnt do it, my husband had to. It doesn't get any easier losing these 'farm' animals. They are all my babies. Thank you again♡
In loving memory of my little Gretl♡ she and i made a deal that she's going to fly right to me when I get to heaven so I know it's her. She never knew what it felt like to fly and play. I hope she is now.
Oh no! I am so very sorry to hear!!! I seriously have tears in my eyes. What an adorable picture of Gretl! She definitely knew how how much you loved her. Many hugs to you

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