Help! My baby roo just died in front of me!


12 Years
Sep 3, 2007
central alabama
My DH carried some old fruit from the fridge down to give the chicks a treat. There were grapes, nectarines and kiwi fruit. I went down with the camera about 30 minutes later to take a few pics. All was well , I had only taken 3 pics when my rooster looked like it was having seizures and fell over dead right in front of me! I have heard of humans having seizures from light flashes-could this be what happened to my little Rudy? My chicks are 28 days -is this to early to give them treats? Is any of the above mentioned fruits a no-no? I felt for any obstructions and there wasn't any. I even blew in his throat and massaged his chest area. This was my first loss. Will they all die now??HELP!!!!!!!!

These are pics I took seconds before he died.
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I'm new to chickens so I'm sorry I can't help you there, but I wanted to just say I'm sorry you lost him.
:aww Hopefully someone will be along shortly to help you.
Speckledhen, he wasn't eating at the time and I couldn't feel anything in his airway. I thought maybe a grape but I don't know. Do you think he may just have had a severe allergic reaction to the fruit? I have taken a gazillion pics of them and the flash has never bothered any of them.
I'm not sure how old he was, if he had a developed comb did it turn blue before he died?

That can be an indication of suffocation or heart attack.
I don't think any of those fruits would necessarily cause an allergic reaction in chickens in general. I know alot of them don't like citrus, but I don't think it's an allergen to them. It could be something peculiar to him, though. If he did get something in his airway, I'm sure it was not your fault. I've seen my girls wolf down tomato pieces they should have pecked apart to keep someone else from getting it. I've had to pull a piece out of someone's mouth before when part went down and part was stuck in the mouth. They just eat so darn fast sometimes.
He was 27 days, he did have a comb and the color left it pretty fast but wasn't blue, just looked like the blood had ran out of it. This all happened within seconds. I miss him already! He was my only roo. He was a Delaware. Did you see the pics? He looked like he was scratching or something in one pic and that when he fell over and started flopping.
Mold can cause tremors/seizures. If this was old fruit, that might explain what happened. I am really sorry

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