HELP my boys feet are bleeding tried everything


Free Ranging
Aug 18, 2019
I've tried Ivermectin (3rd dose now), permethrin spray (again last week), add permethrin powder to dust bath area also spray roosts every couple weeks.
and just now I saw his poor feet bleeding so half filled Icecream container with extra virgin olive oil and dunked him in. What else can I do!!!!?
My other chickens are all ok, 1 or 2 with minor scaly legs so I have sprayed them again.
His scaley legs are so thick and horrible and now bleeding!!!
Did I make it worse now with oil bath!? I see blood drops on the ground!!!
He must not be dust bathing regularly as he's always keeping watch and doing his rooster duties ☹️


Edit to add pics of Biscuit now..


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Olive oil might work, perhaps others will know, but I would think it's too runny to stay on and be effective. I use petroleum jelly and put on a heavy coat. Treat all your chickens. Get a good amount in your hand and press it into those scales. Anywhere there's no feathers.
You also need to treat their roost and the hen house with poultry dust or spray, not just the dust bath areas. I remove all bedding and dust the entire inside, especially the roosting bar.
Mites are the worst.
Olive oil might work, perhaps others will know, but I would think it's too runny to stay on and be effective. I use petroleum jelly and put on a heavy coat. Treat all your chickens. Get a good amount in your hand and press it into those scales. Anywhere there's no feathers.
You also need to treat their roost and the hen house with poultry dust or spray, not just the dust bath areas. I remove all bedding and dust the entire inside, especially the roosting bar.
Mites are the worst.
Hopefully he's on the mend now. No more bleeding today. I use sand in the coop and use poultry dust mixed in that. I took out the roosts and sprayed with permethrin again.

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