Help My Broody Pekin Is Insane


6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
We have Pekin;s Cayugas and flying Mallards. We have a mating pair of each, all are broody right now. The mallard's have hatched out 9 ducklings the pekins and Cayugas still have a couple of weeks to go. For some reason when the pekin hen comes off her nest it is like she is possessed. She looks like her feathers have all been brushed backwards her body almost looks deformed she quacks loudly and continuously and chases the drake around. Neither our mallards or the Cayuga's have done this it is just our pekin . my wife says she is demonic LOL. The differences between the different breeds is very interesting to me, the mallards the drake has stayed in the box next to the hen the whole time and helps her with the ducklings after they have hatched. the Cayuga and pekin drakes show no interest in helping the hens they seem to care less. I told my wife that was what the problem was. Maggie our pekin hen was nagging Draco because he was not helping her like Daffy helps Daisy. Please let me know if this is something I should worried about.
I have a few ducks that go broody, and indeed, sometimes one will act this way. It's hormonal and I think it is within the range of "normal" behavior. But it sure looks intense.

Be sure she is getting enough water and high quality food, just in case.
I think you have a normal broody I just watched My Muscovy come out and act the same way you just described.
thank you for the info !!! My wife swears she saw Magie's head rotate 180 degrees and spew pea soup yesterday LOL.

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