Help my buttercup!


Free Ranging
17 Years
Mar 10, 2007
For the last few days my buttercup, Pebbles, hasn't been doing so well. She started out just not being her usual friendly self. Then I noticed her crop was huge, and very hard. Then I noticed that she walked unsteady. I separated her and gave her water with apple cider vinegar in it and limited her food. Well, her crop has finally gone down, but there is still a very hard ball feeling crop. It seems like she's having trouble swallowing now, and moves her neck and head back and forth, maybe to work water/food down? Not eating or drinking much now. Any suggestions??
It sounds like her crop is impacted. You may be able to massage it gently and break the mass up. If this doesn't work the crop may need flushing. There are several good postings on the website to assist you. This can be very serious if left unattended. Good luck.

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