HELP!! My cat brought a baby bird home!


5 Years
Jul 28, 2014
I've checked it over fairly throughly and it seems to only have a scrape near its vent and its wing is pretty messed up, can't tell if it's broken. I think she got it for her kittens. (They didn't get their canned food today, only dry.) She actually called them over before she dropped it. It's on a heating pad, and I had blood worms on hand that it ate up. Any tips or advice? There aren't any wildlife places near me, plus it's 9:47 pm so I couldn't take it even if there were. It's used the bathroom twice and there's no blood of anything.
Here's the baby:
Tend to the wounds first. Cat saliva is deadly to birds. If its been bitten there's little chance it will survive without antibiotics. I just had a baby house finch that my neighbors cat caught. I had it for four days before it was taken to the wildlife place. Fortunately my baby didn't have any wounds. Clean the scrape with some betadine if it isn't bleeding. Then what I normally do is make a turmeric powder sand water poadte and appl6 it to the wound. I had a button quail who was viciously mauled by a guinea, survive by applying the turmeric paste to it and keeping it fed. Your bird is a fledgling. You can feed it the blood worms but you need to identify the species to see what kind of food it needs to eat. On the other hand you can buy baby bird formula from the pet store and feed it that. Though since its a fledgling its going to take a while to accept food from you or might not at all. Keep it in a quite dark place. A tissue placed over it will make ITN freel secure. No cats, no kids, no noise near the bird. Birds can die from shock. As for the wing, I am no expert so the best thing you can do is take it to an avian certified vet. Call all your local vests and ask if the doc is avian certified. You'd be surprised at how many are. The vet can treat the bird
Thank you for the advice. It lived for two days and passed away sometime in the night. I've found three babies so far this year, and the other two were unharmed and returned to their nests. Makes me so sad when the cats get one :/

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