Help! my chick is lethargic and looks sick.


In the Brooder
Mar 14, 2020
A few years ago my family received some baby chicks from a friend who couldn't keep them. Things seemed pretty simple as they didn't get sick and taking care of them was fairly easy. So when I took my kids with me this year to the local farm store to pick out some new babies my confidence in taking care of them was higher then it should of been. We picked out 4 babies, bought a heat plate, medicated chick food and containers for their food and water. We brought them home and within 4 days they had all passed away. My daughter and son were heartbroken. I felt terrible. After doing some research I decided the box I had was too small and after a conversation with a lady at my son's school I decided the store I chose to buy them from didn't have the best reputation for healthy babies.
We decided to try again. My husband made a big wood box for them to have more room and I went to a different farm store. We brought them home and they all seemed so healthy. Running around and eating and drinking great. This was 2 days ago. Today I noticed one was once again, like the first 4 I bought, lethargic. She sleeps a ton and when we pick her up to help her drink or eat doesn't open her eyes. She will take drinks unlike the first 4 but lays right back down. I have gotten her to take a few bites of egg yoke but other then that doesn't seem interested in eating. My daughter checks daily for pasty butt and she did have an issue yesterday but I cleaned her up and fixed it and she was popping right away again. I can't tell if she has Coccidiosis, as she may or may not have some symptoms, but there is definitely no blood in her poop. From what I've read I shouldn't just start her on an antibiotic without knowing for sure what is going on. Only have 1 heat plate so my options were to isolate her from her sissies and take her away from the heat or take her sissies away from the heat. Both sound like bad ideas. I decided to take a tiny box and put some pine shavings in it and put the sick little lady in it under the heat plate. Is this enough isolation from her sisters to stop the spread of disease if it's contagious. I'm just at a loss at what exactly to do. The other 3 are doing so well. Running around and playing. Eating and drinking a lot and I just want to know what to do that's best for all of them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!
Is the heat plate warm enough for them? It's not unusual to lose one or two chicks in a batch. They are fragile, weak, and easily can die for no apparent reason. I hope she gets better! Did you teach your chicks how to drink?
They usually do not suffer from coccidiosis at this young age, but it is more common from 3-6 weeks. I would get some Poultry NutriDrench and give a couple of drops. If you have SaveAChick electrolytes and vitamins, you can try to dip the beak into water and get her drinking. Pasty butt is a symptom of shipping stress, and it does reoccur for up to a week, so check each day. Make sure that your brooder temperature is not too hot. 90 degrees F for the first week and decrease by 5 each week, making sure there is a cooler area in the brooder.
Is the heat plate warm enough for them? It's not unusual to lose one or two chicks in a batch. They are fragile, weak, and easily can die for no apparent reason. I hope she gets better! Did you teach your chicks how to drink?
Thank you! We did teach them how to drink. She seemed like she was doing fine with it all yesterday. The others seem to be almost in a "click" and way more agressive then she was. Today when I was assisting her with drinking she kept opening her beak like she was real thirsty. Then when I put her back in the brooder she moved over to the food by herself and I thought she was doing better. Her sissies were pecking at her though and not being too nice😣 I hope they didn't drive her away from drinking. She seemed to be out of the group from when we first brought them home. Sadly she ended up passing away when I put her in her own box to isolate her from her sisters😰 It was still under the heat plate but I guess whatever was wrong she was too far gone. I feel terrible. I don't want anyone else getting sick. I changed out all the bedding and cardboard that was laid down on the floor before isolating her so I hope the rest are all safe from whatever it was. Thanks so much for your reply!
They usually do not suffer from coccidiosis at this young age, but it is more common from 3-6 weeks. I would get some Poultry NutriDrench and give a couple of drops. If you have SaveAChick electrolytes and vitamins, you can try to dip the beak into water and get her drinking. Pasty butt is a symptom of shipping stress, and it does reoccur for up to a week, so check each day. Make sure that your brooder temperature is not too hot. 90 degrees F for the first week and decrease by 5 each week, making sure there is a cooler area in the brooder.
Thanks so much for replying! I appreciate knowing they don't usually get ccoccidiosis at this age. I was really worried it would spread. Unfortunately the little lady passed away😰I'll definitely make sure and check the rest of them frequently. I will also go and purchase some save a chic electrolytes. I was wondering what on Earth I should get for them when they are sick like that , I appreciate that information a ton!
I bought a heat plate that has 2 settings. Brooder and heater. I do have space for them to exit the heat plate and get cooler air. Unfortunately I think that was the problem with my first 4. I asked the lady at the store if she had a large box that I could fit a heat plate and my chicks and the size she gave me I thought looked way too small. She said it would be fine though. I should of trusted my gut. I'm happy to get this information the second time around. I feel horrible for the other 4 but I'm grateful to know more this time. Thanks so much for your reply!
I am so sorry for your loss! Don't feel bad, rarely a batch goes by without losing a baby or two. I know you may feel bad but it's completely normal :hugsA heat lamp is easier to control temperature and observe chicks with. I had to switch my latest batch from plate to lamp because it was too hard to observe them all under the plate. I hope the rest of your chicks stay healthy!
I am so sorry for your loss! Don't feel bad, rarely a batch goes by without losing a baby or two. I know you may feel bad but it's completely normal :hugsA heat lamp is easier to control temperature and observe chicks with. I had to switch my latest batch from plate to lamp because it was too hard to observe them all under the plate. I hope the rest of your chicks stay healthy!
Thank you very much. I really appreciate that!! They seem to be doing really well. One had pasty butt today but I cleaned her up. I feel much better today then yesterday. Thank you for your advice and kind words. Have a blessed day!

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