Help...My chick keeps falling over backwards!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 9, 2013
Help...My chick keeps falling over backwards and can't get back up. It's a 2 day old polish we just picked up at the farm coop. Also he has a small rupture just below his vent that is black and hard. I am assuming unabsorbed yolk sac. We tried a band aid splint but he still can't stand up. Just falls over and lays there. He is drinking but not eating.He is peeping and moving around when I hold him. What can I do?
I don't really know what to do with either of those symptoms...I would give some Nutri-Drench mixed in the water, or else use the vitamin/electrolyte powder for chickens, just to try and provide supportive care. You might be dealing with a vitamin deficiency, or maybe an illness, it's hard to say. Check for traces of blood in the stool - could mean cocci. Are you feeding medicated chick starter? If you can post a photo of the blackened area that would be helpful, as well. Hope chickie is hanging in there...
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hi my baby is doing the same thing. she is also a runt. aboout half the size of the other chicks.(i live on a chicken ranch and we get about 150,000 birds every six weeks and i try to rescue the special needs chicks) Anyways my little chick is a week old today and i have had her for about 3 days now. when i found her she was laying on her back.. She seems to be doing a little better. she now can sit on her own for a little while,but i check on her frequently and she is usually on her back. i honestly didnt think she wwould make it the first night. and wwhen i seen her sleeping on her back i thought she was dead..i hope your chick is doing well
Thank you for your advice and kindness...but my little guy is gone.
He didn't make it. This was my first loss and very hard.

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