Help, my chicken attacked my daughter!

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we have a rooster that would run at everyone to attack them and my aunt is deathly afraid of birds, she told her boyfriend about the chicken attacking her and he would go over and poke at it with a stick and the rooster stopped going after him and her. Then it started going after my grandma and one day it came at her when she was feeding the chickens and it flew up at her and she caught it by its neck and held it away from her body and mocked it. saying things like o u think ur tough huh? now look whos the tough one!
now the rooster keeps its distance and NEVER attacks anyone anymore!
Some children tend to aggravate and be very aggressive with chickens. I have a neighbor child that loves to visit and look at the chickens, but if I turn my head he will be kicking them and throwing things at them and if he gets hold of a baby he will squeeze until there is nothing left.
For this reason I have had to put all chickens off limits to him. A chicken, like any other animal will get aggressive in return if this happens. I have other children that are very gentle and can handle them.
But, I am very careful when kids are around. I don't want them to be hurt and I don't want my birds to be hurt! Pecking can hurt, not to mention what a roo can do!

Good Luck, I know the decision is not easy!
She sounds like a mean hen and with a world of sweet, quirky hens to be had, I still say "Make soup"! Even if she had not attacked the child, she has attacked the parent on previous occasions. Its just good sense to cull, or rehome, mean, cantakerous animals. Life is too short to put up with bad behavior, be it animal or human.

I don't agree with keeping children out of the chicken yard at all, as long as they are supervised, which it sounds like she was. Good or bad, experience has to be learned. I bet she is much more wary around the chickens now, which could serve her well in the future. Life happens just like that...sometimes ya just get pecked!
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COuld she be going broody? My RIR would peck at me when I bent down she was going for my eyes the little withc but this is chicken behavior. I wouldnt get rid of her for that just dont let your daughter go near her anymore. Buid a coupe and your problems are solved. You wont have to go pick her up and take her anywhere. They are not the smartest birds in the world you know.
If I had one who was actually mean I would definitely re-home it...and it sounds like this a a mean chicken. I, however, had the side of my lip torn off by one of my favorite hens one day and it was totallly MY fault. I have a dark frecke on my bottom lip. I KNOW to move fast when I am holding my girls and they spot it!!!!! They are soooooo determined to get that tick off mommy's lip for her!!!! LOL
The thing that really intrigues when the kid/chicken issue is being discussed is this:

Most will re-home (I like that term) or eat a chicken for just doing what it does around kids - but they wouldn't consider culling a sub-standard bird to enhance their flock for anything.

I agree with that point for sure.

I have been pecked by hens when I was a kid...most of the time it was my fault.
But there were a couple that were just I avoided them and they were happy. LOL
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