HELP!!! My chicken coops burnt down


10 Years
Oct 27, 2009
All three coops burnt to the ground last week. All birds are ok. I think a heat lamp caught the houses on fire. I have around 35 and have been told I am getting 25 more after a girl does her school project of feeding them. I am raising them for eggs and friendship. My problem is how do I make winter cover for them on only $200.00? It has been raining here for over a week and plans to continue. yuck. I live in Wisconsin and it gets deep in snow and very cold.
Sorry to hear that, maybe those of us who plan on using heat lamps should really think this through. Hope you get things done in time.

So sorry to hear about that...
Check around on C.L. You might be surprised at what you can pick up. Also you might want to check your local stores like Home Depot, Lowe's etc b/c they are marking down outdoor items now and you might be able to pick up a shed/coop really cheap. Where my husband works (Lowe's) they were selling an 8X10 aluminum shed for $75.
Good luck!!!!!
First I am glad your birds are ok. Sorry about your housing. There are lots of coops on here that people have made for very little money. Depending on how handy you are and the tools you already have. You can always try freecycle or craigslist. If you have a church you attend, some of the people there may be able to help with the building. Where are you located?

about heat lamps. Last year I only used one over the water to keep it from freezing. This year the neighbor gave me a waterer that you plug in and has a deicer in it. I am going to try that this year. Heat lamps are beginning to scare me. I have read on here about at least 3 fires from them already this year.
Perhaps it might be a good idea to explain your circumstances to the person who was going to give you 25 more, so that she can find someone else to take them. That would just about *halve* the size of your problem right there. If you could find takers for some of your other birds then that would make things even easier, in terms of building an adequate size coop given your time and budget.

Then, check craigslist, ask everyone you know/meet if they know of anything, etc.

Do you by any chance have a garage or barn or shed or something that (even if it cannot be cleaned out for a chicken pen) could have a lean-to built off the side of it? Building a lean-to style coop would save considerable money and time.

Best of luck,

First, let me say how sorry I am to hear of this disaster. So glad the birds are OK. Losing your coops is a difficult situation, especially with new birds coming. I think trying to get someone else to take them, at least temporarily, is a good idea.

The home improvement stores are selling outdoor stuff cheaply right now. You might also check the Habitat for Humanity store for used, cheap building materials. They have a lot of good stuff. Some folks would probably help you for free eggs for a while.

When I needed a second coop, I built a quick "temporary" coop inside a detached garage out of 2 x 4s and chicken wire, and it's the most popular with the chickens!

Heat lamps around hay and dry wood shavings scare me to death! Chickens don't really need heat, even in northern climates. They are hardy to at least 20 degrees, maybe colder if they have a draft free place to roost.

Another option is one of those thermostatically-controlled oil-filled radiators. No open flame and they don't get extremely hot, so if you built a little cage around it (prevent roosting) and kept the shavings away, it would warm a good area. They are only about $35.

Hope you find what you need. It's not fun to be out building in miserable weather. Maybe you'll have some clear, sunny days to get done what you need to do.
If you are not on become a member in your county! It is free to sign up and you can post, "wanted" adds--believe me, I have gotten some AMAZING things for FREE!! Many people have scrap wood, lumber, etc just lying around...good luck and SO sorry to hear that!!!
I am so sorry for your loss, but am glad your babies are okay. Might I add a suggestion that had passed through my mind when my chicks were becoming adolescents and I still didnt have a place to stick them?

Those truck canopies on Craigs List are often very cheap or being given away. You know, the ones where one end sits on the ground and the other end has two poles for support and stability? I think they have some sort of insulation built into them. Not sure.

I even had thoughts of an old unusable car, if you have any lying around the property.

As far as heat goes, Im going to try one of those reptile aka infrared ceramic lights that emits not light. Husband researched it (hes a union electrician, knows what will work, what will be a hazzard, etc.). I uses 100 watts, will work with a porcelain topped chicken light. They also sell them with 150 watts. We are just looking to break the chill.

Heres wishing you the best. Barb

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