Help! My chicken is lethargic and I don’t know why!


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2018
My chicken this afternoon when I went to feed had blood under her vent which was dried on the feathers not a lot of blood but about a spoonful, then I isolated her and she won’t eat or drink, she then dropped a white runny dropping. Her tail is down and I’m very worried and super lost as to what I should do. Can anyone please help me!

I added a picture of under the vent where the blood dried but the vent is clear I checked


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She is 19 weeks old, she’s been vaccinated as a chick and is never exposed to anything outside of the coop and the protected run also no other hens were ever introduced, I don’t have a picture of her body language now but she has her head shrugged in and is only drinking water, she is pooping white runny poop which has the consistency of mucus... sorry for the vivid details and she has not laid yet in general
Is her tail tucked, too? I still think it could either be coccidiosis or an egg problem. She may be coming into lay. Is her comb bright red? Does she squat at all when you approach her?

Another possibility: could she have picked up something sharp and ingested itand it could be backing her up now?
Her comb is not brigh red and the tail is just down now, there is a possibility of something sharp, I bought some grit from a guy locally and it looked sort of large I still put it down against my better judgement... what should I do now
Is her tail tucked, too? I still think it could either be coccidiosis or an egg problem. She may be coming into lay. Is her comb bright red? Does she squat at all when you approach her?

Another possibility: could she have picked up something sharp and ingested itand it could be backing her up now?

I am worried she might have ingested a larger piece of oyster shell
Get some liquid Corid and syringe it in her beak ASAP. Being hunched and bloody you need to hit that hard as soon as you can. If that doesn't work, move on to other possibilities.

I really don’t suspect coccidiosis so I’m worried I think it is either egg bound or something stuck
I really don’t suspect coccidiosis so I’m worried I think it is either egg bound or something stuck
If she's only 19 weeks, I'd say it's much more likely to have coccidiosis than an egg stuck or broken. It never hurts to treat for cocci ASAP. I've had older birds come down with it.

She's not in with any male ducks, is she?

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