Help my chicken is sick!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
bc canada
My Colombian rock puller is sick we have no clue what it is or why. She won't get up and she is rail thin, she also has diharea. We are going to treat her with diatomaceous earth tonight just in case, any other ideas? All our other chickens are fine.
What do you mean by "treat her with diatomaceous earth"? What are you treating her for? DE doesn't treat anything. It can help with exoskeleton parasites, but that's about it.
How old is your pullet?
When did you notice a problem?
Have you dewormed her?
Is she inside so you can keep an eye on her?
Have you tried feeding her or giving her some vitamin water using a syringe or dropper?
Is her crop hard, soft, normal, flat, distended?
How are her eyes.. bright, dull, pupil odd shaped?

These are things folks will need to know in order to help guide you with some solutions to try to save your bird. I wish you all the best!
She was hatched in March and is laying, she seemed off yesterday but that was it she just wasn't eating much. She is wormed, she I'd still in the coop but it is close to the house and we are checking on her every 15 mins or so. We have tried feeding her with a dropper but she tries to spit it out, but will cintune to try. Her crop in normal same with eyes.

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