help my chicken is walking around everywere with its butt pointing down!


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2020
hi i have a beutifull silkie in my coup who recenlty started walking verywere with her but pointing down and is barly able to walk, and when she walks its really more of a waddle. any ideas why that might be. here is a photo .Please Help!
Have you checked her vent to see if it's clear of feces buildup and around her pelvic area to see if she's eggbound?
It sounds like she might be egg bound or have a reproductive problem. I would look at her vent opening to make sure it is clear and normal, or if it appears soiled or pooched out. You can insert one finger into her vent 1 inch to feel for a stuck egg. If her vent is poopy, clean it off with soap and water, and dry her. Post pictures if you can. Has she been laying eggs recently?
Use a disposable glove if needed. Is there someone else at home that can do it? Wash your hands before and after. It really needs to be checked.
It would be good to know if your silkie is egg bound. It is an emergency, and she could die if her vent is blocked with an egg or dried poop. Are you an adult?

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