Help my chickens keeps squawking and bawking.

I have a feeling that the one who just laid the egg is the one that makes all the noise. I am unable to listen to your audio recording... but look up chicken egg songs online and listen and read and see if you think this is what may be happening. They kinda freak out a bit, especially when they first start laying. Some girls get more worked up than others and can be quite noisy.
Chickens make noise. They make noise when they lay, they make noise when their flockmates lay. They make noise because they're unhappy about something, and they make noise when they're content. You really can't stop them.
I was astonished to discover that chickens stand up to lay their eggs and also greatly amused when they grab pieces of straw and distribute it around them, helps to make that circular nest! I still am amazed at the grand design behind it all. Listen to this youtube, clever piece about chicken egg songs and hilarious....
And some hens sing the egg song LOUDLY. The loudest it gets is when several hens and my rooster all join in together. The rooster can get some serious volume, almost sounding like a goose honking.

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