Help My dogs got out and killed my neighbors chickens....

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I disagree. The neighbor obviously needs better protection for his flock from predators. If these dogs got to his birds, so can other dogs as well as foxes, coyotes etc. Without knowing details, it sounds like perhaps both parties need to address animal enclosures.
The neighbor doesn't "need" to do anything. The fault is not the neighbor's. They can do whatever they like. The dogs came on their property...not the other way around.

Just as the neighbor of poet Robert Frost repeated in the poem,"Good fences make good neighbors", the same applies to this situation. Two dogs have been shot to death, and chickens killed. Neither would have happened had both neighbors secured the boundaries of their property. So common sense dictates that both have some work to do in order to prevent this unfortunate incident from happening again, whether one wants to escape accountability by labeling the incident an "accident" or not.
Thank you all for your responses.....I agree Michael it is a horrible way to lose my dogs. They however did not get out through our fences. We have very good fences. They were indoor/outdoor dogs and got out when someone came into our house and opened our doors. Our dogs had gotten out before but never went after the chickens but we just found out the neighbor went from pen chickens to free range. They were trying to play with the chickens not kill them. Please try not to judge before you have all the facts. We are heart broken but want to do the right thing by our neighbors. We do not begrudge them for protecting their chickens.
We have had our dogs for three years, They were dogs that people dump out in the country and we took them in. They are country dogs. They loved to run. So at times they did get out when we open the gate to the backyard or our front door. We loved them very much and took exceptional care of them during the time we were entrusted with them.
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It is the right thing to do! Good for you that you are taking responsibility for your dogs action! I am sorry for your dogs it is hard to loose a loved pet especially in this tragic circumstances! billed a high fens in between the properties!
I disagree. The neighbor obviously needs better protection for his flock from predators. If these dogs got to his birds, so can other dogs as well as foxes, coyotes etc. Without knowing details, it sounds like perhaps both parties need to address animal enclosures.

We don't live in the land of "could be" the reality is that the chickens has not been killed by a fox or a coyotes but thy have been killed by the dog and that is the simple fact! And who have the responsibility for the damage have the obligation of the compensation.
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Seems high to me. But you can buy pullets around here for 10-15.

I also wouldn't be inclined to pay them anything. Are they going to pay for your dogs they killed and $$ for new dogs/ investment costs?
Thank you all for your responses.....I agree Michael it is a horrible way to lose my dogs. They however did not get out through our fences. We have very good fences. They were indoor/outdoor dogs and got out when someone came into our house and opened our doors. Our dogs had gotten out before but never went after the chickens but we just found out the neighbor went from pen chickens to free range. They were trying to play with the chickens not kill them. Please try not to judge before you have all the facts. We are heart broken but want to do the right thing by our neighbors. We do not begrudge them for protecting their chickens.

Every decision made requires judgement. My previous statement was not derogatory, but based upon sensibility required for ownership of animals, and the statements of other posters excusing irresponsibility. People who enter my property see a sign and understand the necessity to close gates/doors behind them. If they are new, they are told and under my observation. All dogs have predatory instinct and will kill. Had your neighbor's property been fenced this wouldn't have happened. If property was fenced adequately, the doors left open to your house would have prevented the dogs from entering neighboring property. There should be a lesson learned by both parties, not excuses by either party, or any poster on the forum discussing this. Time and again posts are listed on this forum about dogs owned by someone killing chickens. Every case is due to lack of responsibility.

I hope it all works out. This is not about holding grudges. It is about accepting responsibility. I had a Husky from down the road showing up on my property. I caught the dog, saw the address on it's tag, took it back to the residence, and gave a stern warning to the owner. I then secured a couple areas where the dog could have entered my property. Problem was resolved.
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I would think it depends on your circumstances. In the city or suburbs I agree, build a fence your dogs can't get out of. If you farm 160 acres, it would be beyond reasonable to suggest someone put up a dog proof fence around the property. In some circumstances, dogs are used to keep non desirable animals at bay and have free run of the place. Yeah, they are going to wonder on occasion and yeah, when they go somewhere they shouldn't they could (and should in some circumstances) get killed. The point though, is that all situations do not fall under one set of rules or responsibilities. Sometimes bad things just happen.

As to accepting responsibility, it looks to me like the OP is doing that. I see no need to point out something that is already known.
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